Workshop on Acceptance Research and Use Scenarios of Human-Machine Interaction

With the forward-looking project regioKArgoTramTrain, the Albtal Transport Company (AVG), together with many project partners, aims to make a significant contribution to greater climate protection and the success of the transportation transition. To address the rapidly increasing freight transport, which currently takes place mainly on the roads in and around Karlsruhe with harmful effects on the climate, the project team is investigating the combined transport of passengers and goods on AVG trains and tracks.

Recently, a workshop was conducted as part of the project to explore how the interaction between passengers, the automated cargo bike trailers, and delivery robots can be optimized.

The project slogan ‘Moving People and Goods Together’ also means that people and machines will inevitably come into contact during the loading and unloading of the tram.

To determine how this interaction can be optimally designed and to prevent potential conflicts from arising, the project partners, Furtwangen University and Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, are conducting a large-scale acceptance study on behalf of AVG, which includes laboratory studies and surveys. This approach allows citizens in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion not only to interact with the innovative loading systems before they are implemented but also to have a say in how this interaction will look in reality.

An initial workshop for this acceptance study was held early in the project timeline. Using the Storyboard and Walt Disney methods, researchers from the project team have already developed exciting and innovative solutions for various possible interaction scenarios. These solutions will be further refined and then evaluated and optimized with citizens in surveys and laboratory studies. The goal is to ensure that regioKArgoTramTrain provides real added value for all passengers and citizens in the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion and that conflicts are avoided from the outset.