
Moving people and goods together.

Effective climate protection requires new approaches that have an impact “on the ground”. The regioKArgoTramTrain lighthouse project of the Karlsruhe TechnologyRegion has the potential to do just that.

The rapidly growing transportation of goods in and around Karlsruhe has so far mainly been carried out by road, which is harmful to the climate. The consortium behind the project is focusing on the railways and wants to have goods transported in streetcars that run daily in the city and region.

Combined passenger and goods transportation on an existing infrastructure is the solution. Loading and unloading is simplified by AI-based technology in the vehicle and a delivery robot on the platform, which is designed for “Moving people and goods together.”


Mio. €

Project volume


Mio. €

from ERDF funds


Mio. €

from state funds



Project duration

Our Subprojects

SP1: Logistics Process

Brief description​

Optimally located transhipment points for goods that are to be transported by AVG light rail vehicles in the future are essential for the success of regioKArgoTramTrain.
The partners in this sub-project are building on the existing logistics concept from the LogIKTram project and developing it further. Among other things, the project team is determining which logistical requirements need to be taken into account for the use of mobile delivery robots.

SP2: ICT Platform

Brief description

Intelligent assistance systems for loading and unloading goods into streetcars will be in the future just as important as the use of real-time data in order to know exactly where the respective load carrier is currently located. The same naturally also applies to the localization of the respective light rail vehicle, as both locations must be coordinated for precise loading. The experts in this sub-project are creating the necessary conditions for this.

SP3: Living Lab

Brief description

As part of this sub-project, an AI-based control system is being developed for the precise positioning of light rail vehicles. This control system is very important for the success and future expansion of combined goods transportation, as the loading and unloading of the train must take place as quickly and reliably as possible. In addition, a cargo bike trailer and a delivery robot are to be provided, which can secure themselves quickly and easily on the train.

SP4: Impact Analysis​

Brief description

A precise impact analysis is essential for the overall project. Among other things, this sub-project is concerned with defining the requirements for the route definition in end-to-end delivery traffic. The optimization of transport processes in terms of time and space must also be taken into account with regard to their economic aspects. In addition, the partners in this sub-project are also addressing the important issue of creating an economic and ecological impact model.

SP5: Public Relations

Brief description

The partners in the public relations sub-project are responsible for presenting the entire research project with its many exciting aspects to the general public, politicians and an interested specialist audience in the best possible way. Whether it’s press photos, articles for trade magazines or key notes for trade fair appearances by individual partners – the team of this sub-project supports all stakeholders in presenting regioKArgoTramTrain positively “to the outside world”.

Our Team

If you have any questions, please contact

Dr.-Ing. Christoph Rentschler

Michael Krauth